my Ebb and Flow


I remember my first post on WordPress as if one were to find a new territory and place a stake. A stake placed by me, allowing myself to take note of a turning point in my life. I began to see situations and circumstances as opportunities to not only acquire knowledge, but to also question their mere existence. It was riveting, resonating with me on a level I’ve never witnessed. Why let these days filled with abstract thoughts and ideas slip away? I didn’t.

Now here I am, having took months away, not even beginning to question why I was absent for so long.

I believe Life really does unravel as that of a wave. We all know the common notion of “life’s ups and downs” and Newton’s law of “every reaction having an equal and opposite reaction.” I understand, as I type this very sentence, that back then I was growing in certain areas, most of which revolved around consciousness. I feel as if I return now in a new light, having those ideas established to embark even deeper into this quest; one step closer to being able to ask the right questions.

the unexamined life is not worth living…